In 77656 Offenburg, Forst Live 11.04. – 13.04.2025, outdoor area. International demo show for forestry technology, renewable energies and outdoor in the southwest of Germany.
In 87463 Dietmannsried, Agrar Schau Allgäu 24.04. – 28.04.2025, outdoor area B515 Fa. Kögl
Large agricultural exhibition with festival in Dietmannsried in the Oberallgäu. Regional and international exhibitors are waiting for you on more than 7 hectares.
In 94086 Karpfham, Rottal-Schau 29.08. – 02.09.2025, outdoor area block G. The Rottalschau takes place at the same time as the Karpfhamer Fest from Friday to Tuesday.
While the name suggests a local exhibition, the Rottalschau has meanwhile developed into one of the most important agricultural technology trade fairs in Germany.