1. applicability
These Terms apply for all uses of our web pages. Contract of sale Our general sales conditions apply. All information and explanations provided on our Internet pages are not binding. HMG is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained therein, in particular, no guarantees, assurances of specific product properties or other legal claims. § 434 para. 1, sentence 3 BGB is excluded. Content errors will of course be corrected as soon as known. Moreover, any change to our printed information to be made from time to time, which are carried out with varying time delays on the website, so that the contents of the web pages sometimes can no longer be current. We therefore ask you to inform additionally about the current status of our product information and the availability of individual products through inquiries to a dealer in your area or directly from HMG.
2. Links and references
On the pages of links to different websites (links) are offered. Although we check all links carefully, it can happen that a link (or using one-to-reach side) publishes content that violates the law or morality (particularly breaches of copyright, competition rights, name rights and trademark rights). We we are not responsible of the contents of all pages to which we have published a link. We have no influence on the design and the content of these pages and accept no liability. All names and trademarks mentioned on these pages are the property of the respective carrier and are used here only editorial.
3. Copyright
The content of this website is protected by copyright. You may download a copy of the information found on these Internet on a single computer for your personal, non-commercial internal use to download. Incidentally, logos, graphics, images, text, audio, or video sequences may on this website without prior written permission of HMG downloaded, copied, modified, reproduced, republished, posted, transmitted or used in any other way. As far as product and company names are mentioned, it may be registered trademarks or trademarks whose unauthorized use may injunction or compensation claims for.
4. liability
HMG is not liable for any damage arising from the use of this website or the downloading of data, in particular HMG is not liable for direct or indirect consequential damage, data loss, lost profits, system or production failures. The above mentioned disclaimer does not apply if the damage is intentional or gross negligence or a contractual obligation was culpably violated.
Should parts or individual formulations of this text are not, no longer or not completely correspond to the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.
5. Applicable law
The between you and HMG justified by the use of this website legal relations governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. Jurisdiction in disputes with merchants is the seat of our company.